Profile updated on 28 July 2023
Homarus americanus
American lobster
Atlantic lobster, Maine lobster
The stock structure of American lobster (Homarus americanus) is uncertain across the Gulf of Maine, the Bay of Fundy, Georges Bank, and eastern Canada (ASMFC 2020) given their pelagic larval stage, inshore and offshore migrations, and lack of genetic differentiation (Kenchington et al. 2009). DFO (Department of Fisheries and Oceans) Canada assesses and manages the lobster stock in Eastern Canada as a series of Lobster Fishing areas (LFAs) noting that it is likely stock mixing among these LFAs (DFO 2021). DFO groups LFAs 27-32 into one assessment document for the SE Cape Breton, Chedabucto Bay, and Eastern shore, components but maintains reference points by LFA.
This profile is for LFA 32.
Management Quality:
≥ 6
≥ 8
< 6