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Profile updated on 27 January 2025





Scomber colias


Atlantic chub mackerel, Chub mackerel

The Atlantic chub mackerel, Scomber colias, is widely distributed on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean, including the Mediterranean and Black Seas (ICES 2020)(ICES 2021). The dynamics and stock identity of Atlantic chub mackerel in Atlantic European and Atlantic African waters remain unknown (ICES 2021). The  last ICES workshop mentioned a potential distribution boundary in the Strait of Gibraltar based on latitudinal trends of several biological parameters, which would support the separation of an NW African stock, but the connectivity of the Mediterranean distribution is unclear (ICES 2021). A recent study investigated the population structure of Scomber colias along the NWA and supported the hypothesis that Scomber colias in the NWA is divided into two populations with limited connectivity (Sbiba et al. 2024).  According to (Sbiba et al. 2024), the first stock appears to be distributed from northern Morocco (34◦N) to Tarfaya (28◦N). The second extends from the south of Tarfaya (28◦N) to Senegal (13◦N). It also recommended a fine-scale stock assessment for fisheries management purposes. However, further research is needed. While no assessment is conducted in European and Mediterranean waters, the FAO CECAF assesses chub mackerel within NW African waters as a single stock (FAO 2020)


  • The stock biomass has remained fairly stable in the last decade and since 2020, there has been a downward trend in catches (FAO 2024).
  • The fishery of small pelagic species, including chub mackerel, is regulated through a fishery management plan that includes effort limits and closed areas (Ministère de l’Agriculture et de la Pêche Maritime (MAPM) 2015)(FAO 2020).


Management Quality:

Management Strategy:

≥ 6

Managers Compliance:

≥ 6

Fishers Compliance:

≥ 6