Profile updated on 14 December 2021





Lithodes aequispinus


Golden king crab

Golden king crab (Lithodes aequispinus) is a pan-Pacific species of deep-water crab that is particularly populous along the continental shelf of Eastern Russia and in the open waters of the central and northern Sea of Okhotsk at depths of 250-650 meters. The entire range of the species stretches on the western side of the Pacific from Central Japan up through the Sea of Okhotsk to reach the West Bering Sea along the eastern coast of Kamchatka. Meanwhile, on the North American side, the species resides in waters stretching from the Aleutian Islands and Gulf of Alaska down to southern British Columbia (Metelev 2021); (Ovchinnikov et al. 2017).

Relatively little is known about the stock structure and life history of the species, its reproductive biology, and its migration patterns. It has been targeted by commercial fisheries in Russia dating back to 1968, with fisheries presently active in six fishery management subzones: East Sakhalin (#61.05.03), North Kurils (#61.03), South Kurils (#61.04), Northern Sea of Okhotsk (#61.05.01), Western Kamchatka (#61.05.02), and Central Sea of Okhotsk (Peanut Enclave–#61.52) (Metelev 2021).


  • Upon seeing CPUE drop to a critically low level in 2018, fishery managers set the quota for 2020 precautionarily low, and no boats engaged in commercial fishing in 2020, dissuaded by the low quota (Federal Fisheries Agency 2021).


Management Quality:

Management Strategy:

≥ 8

Managers Compliance:


Fishers Compliance:

≥ 8