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Profile updated on 14 April 2024
Placopecten magellanicus
American sea scallop
The sea scallop (Placopectin magellanicus) can be found throughout Eastern Canada and is exploited among offshore fisheries, including that of the Eastern Scotian Shelf. The Eastern Scotian Shelf falls within the Scallop Fishing Area (SFA) 25 and is managed by the Department of Oceans and Fisheries, Canada (DFO).
Scallop beds on the Eastern Scotian Shelf offer alternatives to Georges Bank for the offshore fleet, although fishing tends to be less frequent.
The DFO manages this resource and provides annual set quotas and landings data through online resources included in the Integrated Fisheries Management Plan (IFMP) (DFO, 2018).
Management Quality:
≥ 6
≥ 6