Surat Thani – Shrimp Health Resources Improvement Project (SHRImp) (AIP)

Access AIP Public Report

Evaluation Start Date: 2020-03-09

Status: Inactive

AIP Lead: FAI Farms (FF)


The AIP uses a scalable and transferable model to improve profitability and attract investment into the shrimp industry through better governance and farm management that reduce risks, improve productivity, and protect natural resources.

The AIP aims to:

  • Provide shrimp farmers with tools to improve their productivity.
  • Enable shrimp clubs, co-ops, and local government to better understand and manage emerging disease outbreaks and cumulative environmental impacts.

AIP Development
Mar 20
AIP Launch
Mar 20
Mar 20
AIP Implementation
Oct 22
Improvements in Aquaculture Management Practices
Verifiable improvement in aquaculture management practices
Improvements on the Water
Verifiable improvement on the water